If Trinity Lutheran Church has enriched your life through its Christian ministries, you can pass on this opportunity to future generations. Christian stewardship involved the faithful management of all the gifts God has given us - time, talents, and resources, including accumulated, inherited, and appreciated financial resources.
A planned gift to the Trinity Lutheran Church Endowment Fund can help assure that the Church will remain as strong in the future as it is today. The principal of your gift will remain intact. The income it generates will be used to sustain and strengthen the various ministries served by Trinity far into the next century.
You may wish to make an unrestricted gift that will allow Trinity Lutheran Church to apply funds whenever opportunities arise. Or, you may designate your gift for a specific purpose or ministry of Trinity. Your foresight will help Trinity sustain and strengthen its growth and mission.
A planned gift to the Trinity Lutheran Church Endowment Fund can help assure that the Church will remain as strong in the future as it is today. The principal of your gift will remain intact. The income it generates will be used to sustain and strengthen the various ministries served by Trinity far into the next century.
You may wish to make an unrestricted gift that will allow Trinity Lutheran Church to apply funds whenever opportunities arise. Or, you may designate your gift for a specific purpose or ministry of Trinity. Your foresight will help Trinity sustain and strengthen its growth and mission.
How does this fund differ from the memorial and gifts fund?
The money given as memorial is used for a one-time expense to purchase a gift for the church. Money given to the endowment fund becomes an asset which generates income. The origianl gift is not used - only the income it generates this perpetuating the fund.

What is the purpose of the endowment fund?
The current activities at Trinity Lutheran Church are supported through our weekly or monthly offerings and gifts. But to carry out its mission, Trinity increasingly has needs that reach beyond the scope of the congregations regular budget, including special ministries, appeals, projects, and outreach programs. The Endowment Fund is designed to receive gifts above and beyond our offerings for current expenses or debt retirement.
How will endowment gifts be used?
Ordinarily only interest earnings form the endowment principal shall be used on an annual basis, thereby allowing the original gift to help others on and on into the future. Such income shall be disbursed in either a restricted or unrestricted manner. The income from restricted gifts is disbursed in accordance with the wishes of the donor. The income from unrestricted funds shall be used as recommended by the Trust Committee.
How can I contribute to the fund?

The most common way is through estate planning which is accomplished by using your financial advisor.
- Gifts of cash
- Stocks, bonds, certificates of deposit
- Securities and property
- Planned investment gifts such as annuities and life insurance
- Gifts by bequest can be made to the fund at any time
Making a Commitment
If you are interested in making a commitment to Trinity through your will or estate planning or an outright gift to the Endowment Fund, or if you have questions, we invite you to contact the Senior Pastor, or a member of the Trust Committee, or your financial consultant.
Thank you for considering a gift to the Trinity Endowment Fund. Your gift will make a difference in the life and mission of Trinity Lutheran Church for generations to come.
*Consult your financial tax advisor on how a gift can benefit you.
Thank you for considering a gift to the Trinity Endowment Fund. Your gift will make a difference in the life and mission of Trinity Lutheran Church for generations to come.
*Consult your financial tax advisor on how a gift can benefit you.